Donor Stories

Advancing the Future of Retinal Care

Nancy Halpern

Eleven years ago Nancy Halpern was seated at lunch with a friend when something about the table didn't look right. "Suddenly the edge was not totally straight," she recalls. "It had a strange squiggle in it. So I decided I'd better go visit the Wills Eye Hospital Emergency Room." Read More

Paying Back to the Greater Good

Joseph and Barbara Betz

Joseph and Barbara Betz have a lot in common. Both pursued active careers as banking executives. Both love traveling and fly fishing. Both have enjoyed decades of skiing adventures, and both are enthusiastic nature photographers. Read More

Focused on the Future

Luther Brady

As a physician he towered as one of the world's great pioneers in preserving vision for patients with ocular cancer. As an art lover he was a significant collector with a special eye for excellence in abstract expressionism. And as a visionary philanthropist he was devoted to improving the world through charitable giving. Read More